Work online with a secure, simple, and scalable video conference solution is the main goal of most teams. Jitsi Meet is an ideal solution when it comes to using your own video conference. Jitsi Meet is an open-source application built using Javascript and that uses the Jitsi Video bridge to provide high-quality, secure, and scalable video conferences.

You can host your own version of Jitsi meet and for that, you need to deploy Jitsi Meet with any cloud service provider (AWS/ Azure/ GCP) and do the necessary configurations. Since Jitsi Meet is an open-source technology, there are many tutorials and videos that will help you to install Jitsi meet on your own. What makes it challenging is the error-free installation.

We at Meetrix, focus on installing, customizing, and configuring Jitsi meet according to our client’s requirements. We have AWS terraform and multi-platform Kubernetes scripts to make this process fast, smooth, and with zero human errors. These ready-made scripts are built for AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP ( Google Cloud Platform), and Microsoft Azure infrastructure.

If you are interested in purchasing these scripts, then visit Jitsi Infrastructure as Code for more information.

If you want our expert service, please contact us via contact us now or the contact us form


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