Why we love static sites

Simply, it far more easier to for a developer to write in MarkDown rather than using formatting in a text editor. Also, it's easier to write on your favorite text editor or on ide and git commit/git push than, logging in to a remote dashboard and doing all the writing. And, we do not have to worry about servers and databases at all.


Simple answer is to avoid server management. if we put our static content in an S3 bucket with Cloudfront configured, everything works perfectly and we do not have to worry about servers, system updates and errors. And, it's cheapest way of hosting a static site.

Gitlab and Continuous Integration

Without building the static site everytime we do a change, it's better to automate it. GitLab provides a build environment with docker container. Therefore with Gitlab CI/Cd we can built the content and deploy with a single git push, we can have everything built and deployed

Why the blog in a Sub URL

Why we prefer meetrix.io/blog rather than blog.meetrix.io ? Answer is simple "Search Engine Optimization".

The React Caching issue

Now, here is the issue. Our landing page and other components are developed with React. And for the blog, we use Jekyll. The react app will not consider the content /blog inside directory as a part of the application. React production build is optimized for local browser cache. Therefor, when you visit yoursite.com/blog after visiting yoursite.com, it would render an error page or a messy page. Solution for this is unregistering the service worker. In your index.js of the react app, use this

import { unregister as unregisterServiceWorker } from "./registerServiceWorker";


instead of

import registerServiceWorker from "./registerServiceWorker";



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