How To Install Fooocus on Google Cloud - GCP: v2.5 - Best Free Ai Image Generator

How To Install Fooocus on Google Cloud - GCP: v2.5 - Best Free Ai Image Generator


Fooocus is a cutting-edge AI-driven tool designed to simplify image creation, offering powerful features for both beginners and experts. Its capabilities rival those of more expensive tools like Midjourney, DALL-E, and Firefly, making it a popular choice for users seeking an efficient, cost-effective solution for generating high-quality images.

Benefits of GCP Deployment

Deploying Fooocus on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers significant advantages, including robust scalability, enhanced security, and exceptional performance. GCP's infrastructure ensures that Fooocus can handle high workloads efficiently, providing users with a seamless and reliable experience.

Fooocus Latest Version 2.5.0

The latest version, Fooocus 2.5.0, introduces advanced inpainting algorithms and improved API support, further enhancing its image creation capabilities. This update solidifies Fooocus as a versatile and powerful tool in the AI-driven image creation landscape.

Key Features of Fooocus

  • Advanced Image Generation: Fooocus excels in AI-driven image creation, leveraging advanced inpainting algorithms to produce high-quality, detailed images. The latest version 2.5.0 introduces enhanced image prompt capabilities, allowing users to generate even more precise and creative outputs.
  • API Support: Fooocus offers robust API compatibility, enabling seamless integration into various applications. This makes it a versatile tool for developers looking to incorporate AI-powered image generation into their projects.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The web UI of Fooocus is designed to cater to both beginners and experts, offering an intuitive and easy-to-navigate experience. The interface allows users to effortlessly harness the power of AI for their image creation needs.
  • Enhanced GPU Utilization: Fooocus 2.5.0 is optimized for efficient GPU use, ensuring faster processing and better performance, particularly when handling complex tasks or large datasets. This feature is particularly beneficial for users on GCP who require scalable and high-performance computing resources.

Advantages of Using Fooocus

  • Cost-Effective Alternative: Fooocus stands out as a budget-friendly alternative to premium AI-powered image creation tools like Midjourney, DALL-E, and Firefly. Despite its lower cost, Fooocus delivers comparable, if not superior, capabilities, making it an excellent choice for individuals and businesses looking to maximize value.
  • Single-Click Deployment: Deploying Fooocus on Google Cloud Platform is made incredibly simple with the pre-configured AMI. Users can get started quickly with a single-click deployment, significantly reducing the setup time and technical complexity usually associated with AI tool installations.
  • Scalability with GCP Integration: Fooocus leverages the scalability of Google Cloud Platform, allowing users to easily adjust resources based on their needs. Whether it's handling a high volume of image requests or scaling down during low-demand periods, GCP's flexible infrastructure ensures optimal performance and cost-efficiency.
  • Security and Compliance: Deploying Fooocus on GCP ensures that your data is protected with industry-leading security measures. GCP offers robust compliance and security features, including encryption at rest and in transit, which are crucial for safeguarding sensitive image data and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Why Choose Meetrix’s Fooocus GCP Image?

  1. Simplified Setup: Meetrix's Fooocus GCP image offers an easy, one-click deployment, streamlining the setup process with pre-configured settings that cater to both beginners and experts.
  2. Optimized for Performance: The image is optimized to ensure that Fooocus runs efficiently, even under heavy loads, with enhanced resource management and security configurations.
  3. GDPR Compliance: While not fully deployed with GDPR by default, the Meetrix GCP image can be customized to meet GDPR requirements, offering flexibility for users handling sensitive data.
  4. Scalable and Secure: The image leverages GCP's robust infrastructure, offering scalability to meet growing demands and built-in security features to protect your deployments from threats.
A to Z: Full Developer Guide
Setup Fooocus on GCP - Developer Guide
This is an API compatible single-click deployment AMI package of “Fooocus” with a web UI, which is your gateway to effortless image creation, harnessing the power of AI. Designed for both beginners and experts, this is a perfect alternative for costly products such as Midjourney, DALL-E and Firefly.…


GCP Account: Ensure you have an active Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account with the necessary permissions to create and manage resources.

Basic GCP Knowledge: A fundamental understanding of GCP services, particularly Compute Engine and networking, is essential for deploying Fooocus.

Machine Requirements: To run Fooocus efficiently, you'll need a machine with a GPU, preferably an NVIDIA T4, and the recommended machine type is n1-standard-8 for optimal performance.

How to Deploy Fooocus AMI on GCP in 5 min with APIs

Best Free AI Image Generator

Step 1: Accessing GCP Marketplace

  • Start by logging into your Google account.
  • Head over to the GCP Marketplace and look for the Fooocus solution offered by Meetrix Pte Ltd.

Step 2: Initial Setup and Configuration

  • Go through the product details and pricing.
  • Click "GET STARTED," choose your project, and agree to the terms.
  • Set up your deployment by specifying a deployment name, selecting a service account, and configuring the domain and zone.
  • Choose the recommended machine type and GPU, and input the necessary details like Admin Email and Domain Name for SSL configuration.
  • Customize boot disk size and SSH access based on your requirements.

Installing SSL Certificates

DNS Configuration:

  • Navigate to your DNS provider and create an A record pointing to the Fooocus external IP address.

SSL Setup:

  • Access your server through SSH via the GCP console.
  • Install SSL certificates by running the command sudo certbot --nginx.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the SSL installation process, ensuring your domain is properly secured with HTTPS.

Accessing and Running Fooocus

Access the Fooocus Dashboard:

  • Use your configured domain to access the Fooocus web UI and explore the API documentation.

Starting and Stopping Fooocus:

  • Manage the Fooocus instance directly from the GCP Compute Engine VM Instance menu by selecting the "Start" or "Stop" options.

Removing Fooocus:

  • To uninstall Fooocus, go to the GCP solutions page and delete the deployment. This will remove all associated resources from your Google Cloud account.

Fooocus API

Fooocus API provides REST interfaces to access various image generation capabilities, including text-to-image conversion, image upscale, inpainting, outpainting, and image prompt functionalities.

Key API Endpoints:

  • Text-to-Image: Generate images from text prompts.
  • Image-Upscale-Vary: Upscale or apply variations to existing images.
  • Image-Inpaint-Outpaint: Modify or extend images by filling in missing parts or adding new content.
  • Job Queue Management: Manage and query image generation tasks.

Using the API:

  • You can access and utilize these APIs by sending HTTP POST requests with parameters like prompts, image data, and configuration settings. The API supports synchronous and asynchronous processing, and responses include URLs to generated images and job status updates.

For more detailed API documentation, refer to the official Fooocus API documentation.

Need Any Support: For commercial support with Fooocus installation or API setup, our dedicated team at Meetrix is ready to assist. Whether you're looking to deploy Fooocus on GCP or need help with advanced configurations, we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Contact us at or visit our Contact Us page to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively. Let us help you get the most out of Fooocus!

Tips: Creating High-Quality Prompts for Image Generation via Fooocus:

  1. Be Specific and Descriptive: Use clear and detailed language to describe the desired image. Include specifics like objects, actions, environments, and lighting conditions.
  2. Use Contextual Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords that convey the mood, style, or artistic direction, such as "vintage," "cyberpunk," or "realistic."
  3. Experiment with Prompts: Vary your prompts to explore different results. Start with simple descriptions and gradually add complexity to see how the output changes.
  4. Leverage Negative Prompts: If Fooocus supports negative prompts, use them to specify what should be avoided in the image, such as "without text" or "no blur."
  5. Incorporate Style Preferences: If the API supports style parameters, choose styles that align with your vision, like "watercolor" or "digital art."
  6. Use Consistent Structure: When creating a series of images, maintain a consistent prompt structure to ensure uniformity across the outputs.
  7. Iterate and Refine: Review the generated images and tweak the prompts based on the results. Refining your prompts will help in achieving the desired quality.
  8. Utilize Advanced Parameters: If available, adjust advanced settings like sharpness, guidance scale, or model choice to fine-tune the output quality.

These tips will help you craft prompts that better align with the visual outcome you’re aiming to achieve, leading to higher-quality image generation with Fooocus.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • 502 Bad Gateway Error: If this error occurs, wait a few minutes and refresh the page to resolve the issue.
  • Checking Server Logs: To diagnose problems, use the command sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog to monitor server logs for any errors or warnings.
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
  • Service Status: Check the status of the Fooocus services with sudo systemctl status fooocus.service. If the service is not running, restart it using sudo systemctl restart fooocus.service.
sudo systemctl status fooocus.service

sudo systemctl status fooocusapi.service

If any of them is not working, use one of the below command to restart the relevant service.

sudo systemctl restart fooocus.service

sudo systemctl restart fooocusapi.service
  • Storage Issues: If storage is running low, consider adding a new disk. Follow Google's documentation for guidance on how to do this.

Fooocus vs Midjourney vs DALL-E vs Stable Diffusion

Here's a detailed comparison table for Fooocus, Midjourney, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion across various aspects of image generation:





Stable Diffusion

Primary Focus

AI-driven image creation with inpainting, API support

Artistic, stylized image generation

Realistic text-to-image generation

Open-source, versatile model for image generation

Ease of Use

User-friendly, web-based UI, API for advanced users

Operated through Discord; requires familiarity

Simple web interface, easy for general users

Requires technical knowledge, setup involved


High via API and advanced settings

Limited, focuses on artistic output

Moderate, based on text prompts

Extensive, with multiple models and parameters


Single-click GCP deployment with Meetrix AMI

Cloud-based, accessed via Discord

Cloud-based API and web interface

Open-source, can be deployed locally or on cloud


Cost-effective, flexible pricing

Subscription-based, higher cost

Pay-per-use with credits

Free with optional paid cloud services

Output Quality

High-quality, detailed images

Highly stylized, unique artistic images

Realistic images, good detail

Variable, depending on model and settings used

Best For

Developers, users needing customization and cost efficiency

Artists, designers seeking stylized art

Quick, realistic images from text

Researchers, developers, and tech-savvy users


Moderate to fast depending on GPU used

Generally fast, optimized for artistic rendering

Moderate, varies with input complexity

Can be fast with appropriate hardware setup

Community Support

Growing, community forums and support available

Large, active community on Discord

Supported by OpenAI, good community base

Very large, active open-source community

Supported Input

Text prompts, image uploads for inpainting

Text prompts, focuses on artistic interpretation

Text prompts for realistic outputs

Text prompts, images, extensive input flexibility

Output Formats

PNG, customizable formats via API

PNG, JPEG, high-res art formats


PNG, JPEG, custom formats with modifications

API Access

Full API access for integration and advanced use

Limited to basic commands in Discord

Comprehensive API access for developers

Extensive API support through open-source libraries


Scalable via GCP infrastructure

Limited to Discord's capabilities

Scalable via OpenAI’s cloud

Highly scalable, depending on deployment setup


GDPR compliant, secure on GCP

Secure through Discord, limited by platform

Secure on OpenAI’s platform

Security depends on deployment setup, flexible options available

Learning Curve

Moderate, API documentation available

Easy for basic use, deeper features require exploration

Easy for general use

Steep learning curve, especially for advanced use cases

This table provides a comprehensive look at how these four image generation tools compare across a variety of critical aspects, helping you choose the right tool based on your specific needs and technical requirements.

The "best" tool among Fooocus, Midjourney, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion depends on your specific needs:

  • Fooocus: Ideal for developers and users seeking customization, with advanced API access and cost-effective deployment options.
  • Midjourney: Great for artists and designers looking for highly stylized, artistic images with a large community on Discord.
  • DALL-E: Suitable for users needing realistic text-to-image outputs with simple interfaces and comprehensive API support.
  • Stable Diffusion: Best for researchers and tech-savvy users who need extensive customization and open-source flexibility.

Security Best Practices

  • Firewall Configuration: Set up firewall rules to restrict access to necessary ports and services, ensuring that only authorized traffic reaches your Fooocus instances.
  • Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security checks and updates to protect against vulnerabilities, ensuring your setup remains secure.
  • User Access Control: Implement strict user access controls to manage permissions, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and manage Fooocus.

Scaling Fooocus for Enterprise Use

  • Horizontal Scaling: Discuss how you can scale Fooocus horizontally by adding more instances to handle higher workloads, enabling it to meet growing demands.
  • Load Balancing: Implement load balancers to distribute incoming traffic evenly across multiple Fooocus instances, optimizing performance and preventing bottlenecks.

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

  • Automated Backups: Set up automated backups for Fooocus data and configuration settings, ensuring you can recover from data loss quickly.
  • Disaster Recovery Planning: Develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, including data replication to multiple regions and regular testing of backup restoration to ensure readiness in case of an outage.

Monitoring and Maintenance

  • Monitoring Tools: Utilize GCP’s monitoring tools like Stackdriver to track Fooocus’s performance, uptime, and system health in real-time, ensuring immediate response to any issues.
  • Routine Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance tasks such as system updates, log cleanups, and security patching to ensure that Fooocus operates efficiently and remains secure.


In summary, deploying Fooocus on GCP offers a robust and scalable solution for AI-driven image creation. The integration with GCP provides enhanced performance, security, and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for developers and enterprises alike. By leveraging Fooocus’s advanced features and the scalability of GCP, you can push the boundaries of what’s possible in image generation.

Don’t hesitate to explore the advanced features Fooocus has to offer, and consider integrating additional GCP services to further optimize your setup. Start experimenting with Fooocus today to unlock its full potential, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of AI-driven creativity.

For expert commercial support in setting up Fooocus or integrating its API, the Meetrix team is here to help. Whether you're deploying Fooocus on Google Cloud Platform or need assistance with advanced configurations, our professionals can provide the guidance you need. Reach out to us at or visit our Contact Us page to discuss how we can support your project and ensure your Fooocus setup is optimized for success.

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