Let us introduce you to the revolutionary new ways of doing online screen recording.

In the simplest and fastest way, ScreenApp.IO gives you 100& FREE and INSTANTANEOUS captures for you to record, and download your BEST high-quality videos.

The evolution of technology continues to develop everyday and, with it, our screen app was born. We want to give you the most intuitive options to your recordings, whether they are your desktop, browser tabs, screens with or without audio, entire screens or even just an application window. With a few clicks and very easy steps, you quickly select your preferred audio method, share your screen, start and finish your recording and download or trim it.

But that's not all: besides being able to quickly save your recording to your Windows or Linux (Ubuntu) computer, we are by your side in making sure you have a plan B in case some of your recordings get lost. That is, we're here to cloud backup your captures and give you access to our LOCAL STORAGE also for FREE. Because no one wants to have the job done and then miss it, we offer the best solution to make sure that it won't happen to you again. Our video library feature is the final step in guaranteeing you capture everything that you want on your screen without any frustrating setbacks. Very soon, we'll be launching this AMAZING new feature so stay tuned! In the meantime, enjoy using our unique online screen recorder tool as many times as you want! You're really only one click away to start the "RES" process: to RECORD, EDIT and SHARE your computer screen.

Just like that. Evolve alongside us!