How to Set Up Jitsi on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

How to Set Up Jitsi on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


With the rise of remote work and virtual meetings, video conferencing solutions have become essential. Companies and individuals alike need reliable, secure, and efficient tools to facilitate communication and collaboration across distances. Video conferencing helps maintain productivity, fosters team collaboration, and supports flexible work environments.

Overview of Jitsi as an Open-Source Video Conferencing Tool

Jitsi is a powerful open-source video conferencing solution known for its flexibility and ease of use. It supports multiple participants, offers high-quality video and audio, and provides features like screen sharing, recording, and encryption. Its open-source nature allows for customization and integration with other tools, making it a cost-effective option for many users.

Benefits of Using GCP for Hosting Jitsi

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers several advantages for hosting Jitsi:

  • Scalability: GCP can easily scale resources to handle varying loads, ensuring smooth performance during peak usage.
  • Security: GCP provides robust security features, including data encryption and advanced threat detection, to protect user privacy and data.
  • Performance: With GCP's high-performance infrastructure, Jitsi can deliver low-latency and high-quality video conferencing experiences.
  • Global Network: GCP's extensive global network ensures low latency and high availability, enabling seamless communication across different regions.

Hosting Jitsi on GCP leverages these benefits to provide a reliable, secure, and scalable video conferencing solution for users worldwide.

What is WEBRTC?

Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) is an open-source project that enables real-time communication (RTC) directly in web browsers and mobile applications. It allows the exchange of audio, video, and data through simple APIs, making it possible to build rich media applications without the need for plugins or additional software.

Importance of WEBRTC in Modern Communication Tools

WebRTC is crucial for modern communication tools because it facilitates instant, high-quality audio and video communication over the web. By enabling peer-to-peer connections, WebRTC reduces latency and improves the overall user experience. This technology supports various use cases, including video conferencing, live streaming, online gaming, and remote assistance.

Role of WEBRTC in Jitsi

Jitsi leverages WebRTC to provide robust video and audio communication capabilities. By utilizing WebRTC, Jitsi ensures seamless, secure, and real-time video conferencing directly within web browsers. This integration allows Jitsi to offer high-quality, low-latency communication without requiring users to install additional software, making it accessible and easy to use for a wide audience.

Quick Video Guide of Jitsi Installation

Why Open Source?

Advantages of Open-Source Software

  1. Transparency: Open-source software provides full visibility into the code, ensuring trust and security.
  2. Flexibility: Users can modify and adapt the software to meet their specific needs.
  3. Community Support: A broad community of developers contributes to and supports the software, ensuring continuous improvement and innovation.

Benefits of Open Source in Video Conferencing

  1. Customization: Open-source video conferencing tools can be tailored to fit unique requirements.
  2. Cost Savings: Typically, open-source solutions are free to use, reducing overall costs.
  3. Rapid Innovation: Community-driven development leads to frequent updates and new features, keeping the software current with the latest technologies and user demands.

What is Jitsi and How Does it Work?

Brief History and Development: Jitsi is an open-source project that started as a student project at the University of Strasbourg and has evolved significantly over the years. It is now maintained by the open-source community and backed by companies like 8x8.

Core Features and Functionalities:

  • Video Conferencing: High-quality, scalable video conferencing.
  • Screen Sharing: Allows participants to share their screens in real-time.
  • Recording and Live Streaming: Supports recording sessions and live streaming to platforms like YouTube.
  • End-to-End Encryption: Provides secure communications.

How Jitsi Works

Jitsi's architecture is designed to be modular and scalable, allowing for flexible deployment in various environments.

Key Components:

  • Jitsi Meet: The web application providing the user interface for video conferencing.
  • Jitsi Videobridge: The server component that handles the actual video and audio routing, ensuring low latency and high performance.
  • Jicofo: The server-side focus component that manages media sessions between participants.
  • Prosody: The XMPP server used for signaling and user management.

Jitsi works by utilizing these components to establish and manage video conferences, ensuring that media streams are efficiently handled and securely transmitted. The modular design allows for customization and scalability, making it a robust choice for both personal and enterprise use.

AWS vs GCP: Which is Best for Jitsi?

Comparative Analysis


  • AWS: Offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model with various instance types. Generally, costs can add up quickly if not managed properly.
  • GCP: Also offers pay-as-you-go pricing but often provides more competitive pricing, especially for sustained use. GCP's billing model can be more straightforward.


  • AWS: Known for its extensive services and tools that support seamless scaling. The ecosystem is mature, with robust auto-scaling capabilities.
  • GCP: Equally scalable, with strong support for Kubernetes and other container orchestration tools. GCP’s global infrastructure is highly efficient for scaling applications.


  • AWS: Offers high performance with a wide range of instance types optimized for different workloads. Global reach with numerous data centers.
  • GCP: Also provides high performance, often noted for its superior network speeds and data processing capabilities. The performance can be comparable or even superior in some scenarios due to its network architecture.

Ease of Use:

  • AWS: Comprehensive, but can be complex for beginners due to the vast number of services and configuration options.
  • GCP: Generally considered more user-friendly, with an intuitive interface and better integration with modern development tools.


  • AWS: Best suited for large enterprises requiring a vast array of services and robust infrastructure. Ideal for users familiar with AWS’s ecosystem.
  • GCP: Better for cost-sensitive projects and users who prefer a simpler, more integrated platform. Great for leveraging Google’s strengths in Kubernetes and big data processing.

Choosing between AWS and GCP for hosting Jitsi depends on specific project needs, budget, and familiarity with the platforms. Both offer strong support for scalability and performance, but GCP may offer cost advantages and a more straightforward user experience for certain use cases.

Why Use Jitsi? Use Cases and Applications

1. Education:

  • Virtual Classrooms: Facilitates remote learning with features like screen sharing, video recording, and breakout rooms.
  • Webinars and Workshops: Supports large-scale interactive sessions with audience participation.

2. Business and Enterprise:

  • Remote Work: Provides a reliable platform for virtual meetings, collaboration, and project management.
  • Customer Support: Enables real-time video support for customer service and troubleshooting.

3. Healthcare:

  • Telemedicine: Allows doctors to consult with patients remotely, ensuring continuity of care.
  • Therapy Sessions: Used for mental health consultations and therapy sessions in a secure environment.

4. Community and Social Use:

  • Virtual Events: Ideal for hosting virtual meetups, social events, and community gatherings.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Facilitates collaboration and communication for NGOs and community groups.

5. Government and Public Sector:

  • Public Meetings: Enables transparent and accessible public meetings and hearings.
  • Internal Communications: Supports secure communication within government agencies.

6. Finance and Banking: Financial forecasting, risk assessment, and customer service automation

Why Jitsi?

  • Open Source: Customizable and cost-effective.
  • Security: Provides end-to-end encryption for secure communications.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface requiring no additional software installation.
  • Flexibility: Integrates with various platforms and can be self-hosted.

Jitsi is versatile, secure, and suitable for a wide range of applications, making it a popular choice for various sectors.

Why Meetrix’s GCP Image for Jitsi Setup?

Meetrix's GCP image is a pre-configured, ready-to-deploy solution tailored to streamline the installation and setup of Jitsi on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It provides an optimized environment, ensuring a seamless and efficient deployment process for Jitsi.

Benefits of Using Meetrix's GCP Image for Jitsi

  • Simplified Installation and Deployment: Pre-configured with all necessary dependencies, reducing setup time and complexity.
  • Cost-Effectiveness and Flexible Pricing: Offers various pricing models to suit different budgets and usage needs.
  • Pre-Configured Settings: Optimized for performance and security, ensuring a robust Jitsi experience.
  • Enhanced Performance: Tuned settings for Jitsi Videobridge and other components for smooth video conferencing.
  • Security: Pre-configured security settings to protect your Jitsi deployment from common vulnerabilities.
  • GDPR Compliance: Hosting on GCP with Meetrix’s image ensures adherence to GDPR, providing robust data protection and privacy measures.
  • Commercial Support: Meetrix offers professional support for setup, API configuration, and custom development, ensuring a smooth and tailored deployment process.

Using Meetrix’s GCP image makes deploying Jitsi accessible to both beginners and advanced users while offering a secure, cost-effective, and GDPR-compliant solution.

How to Install Jitsi on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


List of Prerequisites for Setting Up Jitsi on GCP

  • Basic GCP Knowledge: Familiarity with Google Cloud Platform services.
  • Active Google Account: Ensure you have a Google account with the necessary permissions.
  • Technical Specifications: Understanding of GCP resources like VM instances and networking.

Setting Up a GCP Account and Enabling Billing

  1. Create a Google Cloud Account: Sign up at the Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Enable Billing: Add a billing account to enable GCP services.

Necessary Permissions and Technical Knowledge

  • Permissions: Ensure you have roles like Project Owner or Editor.
  • Technical Knowledge: Understanding of SSH, networking, and basic system administration.

A to Z: Jitsi Installation Developer Guide
Setup Jitsi Meet on GCP - Developer Guide
Set up your own jitsi video conferencing platform for one hundred concurrent users and unlimited hosts. This setup has been tested to run as expected using the best in class open source WebRTC video conferencing platform, Jitsi Meet. This guide will hlp you to setup jitsi meet in aws environment.

Step-by-Step Jitsi GCP Installation Guide

Launching the GCP Image

Logging into Google Cloud Console

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  • Sign in with your Google account.

Finding and Subscribing to the Jitsi Image

Initial Setup and Configuration

Accepting Terms and Configuring the Deployment Template

  • After subscribing, proceed to configure the deployment.
  • Select "Cloud Deployment Manager" and choose your preferred region.
  • Click "Continue to Launch" and configure settings.

Creating the Deployment

Detailed Steps for Creating and Configuring the Deployment

1. Create Stack: Ensure "Template is ready" is selected.

2. Specify Stack Options:

  • Stack Name: Provide a unique name.
  • Admin Email: Enter for SSL generation.
  • DeploymentName: Enter a name of your choice.
  • DomainName: Provide your domain name.
  • Instance Type: Recommended g4dn.xlarge.
  • KeyName: Select your preferred key.
  • SSHLocation: Set as "".
  • SubnetCidrBlock: Keep as "".
  • VpcCidrBlock: Keep as "".

3. Configure Stack Options: Choose "Roll back all stack resources" and "Delete all newly created resources".

4. Review and Submit: Verify the details and click "Submit".

Updating DNS Settings

1. Copying the Public IP

  • Copy the public IP labeled "PublicIp" from the "Outputs" tab.

2. Updating DNS Records

  • Navigate to AWS Route 53 and select your hosted zone.
  • Create a record with the copied IP in the "value" textbox.
  • Click "Save".

Accessing Jitsi Dashboard

Using Provided URLs

  • Access the Jitsi application through "DashboardUrl" or "DashboardUrlIp" from the "Outputs" tab.

Troubleshooting Common Access Issues

  • If encountering a "502 Bad Gateway" error, wait for about 5 minutes before refreshing the page.

Manual SSL Generation (if needed)

Copying Public IP Address

  • Follow the DNS update instructions and copy the "PublicIp".

Logging into Server

  • Open the terminal and log in with the command:
ssh -i <your key name> ubuntu@<Public IP address>

Generating SSL Certificate

  • Run the command: sudo certbot --nginx and follow the instructions.

Configuration and Optimization for Jitsi on GCP

Customizing Jitsi Settings

  • Adjust settings in the Jitsi application to optimize performance and resource usage.

Performance Tuning and Resource Management Tips

  • Monitor and manage GCP resources to ensure cost-effectiveness and scalability.
  • Implement security best practices for your Jitsi deployment.

Access and Set up Jitsi API

Overview of Available API Endpoints

Jitsi Meet offers a robust API that allows developers to integrate video conferencing capabilities into their applications. Key API endpoints include:

  • Room Management: Create and manage meeting rooms.
  • User Management: Add or remove participants, manage user roles.
  • Scheduling: Schedule meetings and send notifications.
  • Statistics and Analytics: Monitor usage and performance metrics.

Examples of How to Use the API for Various Functions

1. Scheduling Meetings

const domain = '';
const options = {
roomName: 'ScheduledMeetingRoom',
width: 700,
height: 700,
parentNode: document.querySelector('#jitsi-container'),
userInfo: {
email: '',
displayName: 'User Name'
const api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options);

2. User Management

api.executeCommand('invite', {
userInfo: {
email: '',
displayName: 'New User'

Detailed API Documentation and Usage

For in-depth details and advanced usage, refer to the Jitsi API developer guide. This documentation provides comprehensive information on all available methods, events, and customization options, including embedding Jitsi meetings, handling events like participant join/leave, and integrating authentication mechanisms like JWT for secure meetings.

Customizing and Integrating Jitsi Meet

  • Customization: Tailor the interface to match your branding by modifying UI elements, colors, and logos.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Utilize API methods to integrate Jitsi with your existing scheduling systems, user databases, and notification services.

Benefits of Using Jitsi Meet API

  • Seamless User Experience: Users can join meetings directly from your website or app.
  • Quick Integration: The API is easy to use, enabling rapid deployment.
  • Cost-Effective: As an open-source solution, Jitsi is free, reducing overall costs.
  • Scalability: Jitsi can handle a large number of participants, making it suitable for various use cases.

Leveraging Jitsi’s API can significantly enhance your application’s communication capabilities, offering a seamless, customizable, and scalable video conferencing solution. For more details, visit the Jitsi API Documentation and start integrating today.

Troubleshooting Common Issues of Jitsi Installation

Addressing Subscription Issues

  • Problem: Difficulty in subscribing to the Jitsi image.
  • Solution: Verify account permissions and ensure billing is enabled.

Deployment Errors and Solutions

  • Problem: Errors during deployment.
  • Solution: Check deployment logs for detailed error messages and verify all configurations.

SSL Setup Failures

  • Problem: SSL certificates not generated.
  • Solution: Manually run “certbot” and ensure domain settings are correct.

Access Issues and Performance Optimization

  • Problem: Inability to access Jitsi.
  • Solution: Verify DNS settings, and firewall rules, and optimize server resources.

Accessing Help and Additional Resources

  • Meetrix Support: Contact for personalized assistance.
  • GCP Documentation: Utilize the GCP documentation for in-depth guides and troubleshooting.
  • Community Forums: Engage with the community on platforms like Stack Overflow and the Jitsi forums for additional support and resources.

Comparing Jitsi with Competitors and Alternatives

End-User Focused Platforms


  • Focus: Online learning and web conferencing.
  • Key Features: Breakout rooms, whiteboard, polls, recording, LMS integrations.
  • Use Cases: Education, online classes, webinars.

Nextcloud Talk

  • Focus: Secure and private communication.
  • Key Features: Integration with Nextcloud for file sharing, end-to-end encryption, screen sharing, and mobile apps.
  • Use Cases: Teams using Nextcloud, privacy-focused meetings.


  • Focus: Team communication and collaboration.
  • Key Features: Real-time messaging, video conferencing, customization, integrations.
  • Use Cases: Team collaboration, customer support, community management.

Matrix / Element

  • Focus: Decentralized and secure communication.
  • Key Features: Decentralized communication, end-to-end encryption, interoperability, customizable UI.
  • Use Cases: Privacy-conscious communication, decentralized teams.


  • Focus: Threaded conversations for organized communication.
  • Key Features: Real-time messaging with topic-based threading, integrations with over 90 apps, cross-platform availability.
  • Use Cases: Team collaboration, developer communities, organized discussions.


  • Focus: Team communication and collaboration.
  • Key Features: Real-time chat, video conferencing, extensive integrations, self-hosting options.
  • Use Cases: Team collaboration, project management, enterprise communication.

Apache OpenMeetings

  • Focus: Web conferencing and online collaboration.
  • Key Features: Audio and video conferencing, screen sharing, whiteboard, document collaboration, recording.
  • Use Cases: Online meetings, webinars, virtual classrooms.


  • Focus: Simple, browser-based video meetings.
  • Key Features: No downloads required, user-friendly interface, screen sharing, breakout rooms, secure communication.
  • Use Cases: Quick team meetings, remote work collaboration, small business communication.

Twilio Video: Cloud-Based Video and Audio Communication APIs

  • Focus: Healthcare telemedicine, remote work collaboration, customer support.
  • Key Features: Programmable video, global reach, advanced media processing, secure communication, integration with other Twilio services.

Developer-Focused Media Servers


  • Focus: Media processing and streaming applications.
  • Key Features: Media pipeline, recording and playback, augmented reality, interoperability, scalability.
  • Use Cases: Custom video conferencing, interactive broadcasting, AR applications.


  • Focus: Real-time low-latency communication.
  • Key Features: SFU, simulcast, advanced audio processing, customizable API, scalability.
  • Use Cases: Real-time video conferencing, live streaming, online gaming.

Ant Media Server

  • Focus: Low-latency streaming and broadcasting.
  • Key Features: Low latency streaming, adaptive bitrate streaming, multi-protocol support, cluster mode, recording.
  • Use Cases: Live broadcasting, video conferencing, IP camera streaming.

Open WebRTC Toolkit (OWT)

  • Focus: High-quality real-time communication.
  • Key Features: SFU/MCU, cross-platform SDKs, advanced video processing, scalability, security.
  • Use Cases: Video conferencing, telehealth, interactive broadcasting.

Comparison Table of Video Conferencing and Communication Tools



Key Features

Use Cases


Online learning and web conferencing

Breakout rooms, whiteboard, polls, recording, LMS integrations

Education, online classes, webinars

Nextcloud Talk

Secure and private communication

Integration with Nextcloud, end-to-end encryption, screen sharing, mobile apps

Teams using Nextcloud, privacy-focused meetings


Team communication and collaboration

Real-time messaging, video conferencing, customization, integrations

Team collaboration, customer support, community management

Matrix / Element

Decentralized and secure communication

Decentralized communication, end-to-end encryption, interoperability, customizable UI

Privacy-conscious communication, decentralized teams


Organized communication

Real-time messaging with topic-based threading, integrations with over 90 apps, cross-platform availability

Team collaboration, developer communities, organized discussions


Team communication and collaboration

Real-time chat, video conferencing, extensive integrations, self-hosting options

Team collaboration, project management, enterprise communication

Apache OpenMeetings

Web conferencing and online collaboration

Audio and video conferencing, screen sharing, whiteboard, document collaboration, recording

Online meetings, webinars, virtual classrooms


Simple, browser-based video meetings

No downloads required, user-friendly interface, screen sharing, breakout rooms, secure communication

Quick team meetings, remote work collaboration, small business communication

Twilio Video

Cloud-based video and audio communication APIs

Programmable video, global reach, advanced media processing, secure communication, integration with other Twilio services

Healthcare telemedicine, remote work collaboration, customer support


Media processing and streaming applications

Media pipeline, recording and playback, augmented reality, interoperability, scalability

Custom video conferencing, interactive broadcasting, AR applications


Real-time low-latency communication

SFU, simulcast, advanced audio processing, customizable API, scalability

Real-time video conferencing, live streaming, online gaming

Ant Media Server

Low-latency streaming and broadcasting

Low latency streaming, adaptive bitrate streaming, multi-protocol support, cluster mode, recording

Live broadcasting, video conferencing, IP camera streaming

Open WebRTC Toolkit (OWT)

High-quality real-time communication

SFU/MCU, cross-platform SDKs, advanced video processing, scalability, security

Video conferencing, telehealth, interactive broadcasting

This table compares the key features, focus areas, and primary use cases of various video conferencing and communication tools, helping you to identify the best platform for your needs.


Using Jitsi on GCP offers significant advantages, including scalability, robust security, and high performance. GCP's global network ensures low latency and high availability, making it an ideal choice for hosting video conferencing solutions.

Leverage Jitsi's advanced features like integration with other tools, customizations, and API usage to enhance your communication solutions.

We encourage you to explore these advanced functionalities and seek further support from Meetrix and GCP resources to fully optimize your Jitsi deployment. For any queries or assistance, reach out to Meetrix support.

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