How to Quickly Install Wekan on AWS

How to Quickly Install Wekan on AWS

In an era where efficient project management is the cornerstone of successful businesses, Wekan emerges as a game-changer. Embracing the open-source model, Wekan is not just another project management tool; it's a testament to the power of community-driven development and the flexibility of the Kanban methodology. This introduction delves into the essence of Wekan, highlighting its unique position in the realm of project management tools and its pivotal role in modern business operations.

Wekan stands out as a beacon of innovation in the open-source community. At its core, Wekan is an open-source Kanban tool, designed to streamline workflow management and enhance team collaboration. It brings the classic Kanban board to the digital world, allowing teams to visualize their work process, from inception to completion. This transparency is not just a feature; it's a catalyst for increased productivity, clarity, and team synergy.

Why Project Management Tools in Modern Business?

In today's fast-paced business landscape, the ability to manage projects efficiently is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. Project management tools have transcended from being mere facilitators to becoming integral components of a company's success. They offer structured approaches to handling complex tasks, ensuring that deadlines are met, resources are utilized optimally, and objectives are achieved. The advent of tools like Wekan marks a significant evolution in this domain, offering businesses a blend of simplicity, flexibility, and powerful functionality.

A to Z Full Developer Guide
Wekan - Developer guide
Welcome to the Meetrix Wekan Developer Guide! This guide is designed to assist you in seamlessly integrating Wekan into your AWS environment through detailed, step-by-step instructions. Wekan is a project management tool inspired by Trello. It enables users to collaboratively manage tasks using boa…

Understanding the Wekan PM Tool

What is Wekan?

Wekan is a collaborative, open-source project management tool that leverages the Kanban methodology. It is designed to facilitate task and workflow management in a highly visual and intuitive way.

Origins: Wekan emerged from the need for a flexible, open-source Kanban board that could be adapted to various workflows and projects. It was developed as an alternative to proprietary tools, focusing on user control and customization.

Core Philosophy and Open-Source Nature:

  • Philosophy: At its core, Wekan is built around the principles of simplicity, flexibility, and user empowerment. It emphasizes visual task management and streamlined workflow processes.
  • Open-Source Commitment: Being open-source, Wekan is continuously refined by a global community of developers and users. This approach ensures transparency, security, and a platform that evolves with its user base's needs.

Key Differentiators from Other Project Management Tools:

  • Customization and Flexibility: Unlike many proprietary tools, Wekan offers extensive customization options. Users can modify its code to suit their specific project management needs.
  • Self-Hosting Capability: Wekan provides a self-hosted solution, giving users complete control over their data and enhanced privacy, a contrast to cloud-based, third-party-hosted alternatives.
  • Community-Driven Features: With its open-source model, Wekan incorporates features and improvements directly from user feedback and community contributions.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: As a free tool, Wekan presents a cost-effective solution for organizations, especially appealing to startups and small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Ease of Use: Wekan maintains a user-friendly interface despite its robust capabilities, making it accessible even to those with minimal technical expertise.

In essence, Wekan stands out in the project management landscape through its commitment to open-source values, adaptability to diverse user requirements, and its empowering approach to data control and customization.

Features of Wekan PM Tool

Boards, Lists, and Cards – Organizing Tasks and Workflows

  • Boards: Wekan boards serve as the primary workspace where different projects or tasks are managed. Each board can represent a project, with customizable columns reflecting various stages of workflow.
  • Lists: Within boards, lists categorize tasks into different stages like 'To Do', 'In Progress', and 'Done'. These lists are fully customizable, allowing teams to tailor them according to their workflow needs.
  • Cards: Cards represent individual tasks or items within lists. They can include detailed descriptions, due dates, attachments, and comments. Cards can be moved across lists to visually track progress.

Customization and Flexibility in Task Management:

  • Adaptable Layouts: Wekan's layout can be adjusted to match team or project-specific requirements, offering a high degree of flexibility.
  • Labeling and Filtering: Users can label cards for easy identification and use filters for efficient task management and searchability.
  • Collaboration Tools: Wekan supports team collaboration with features like member assignments to cards and comment sections for updates or feedback.

Security Features and Data Protection Measures:

  • Open-Source Security: Being open-source, Wekan’s code is transparent and continuously reviewed by the community, enhancing its security.
  • Self-Hosted Privacy: The self-hosting option gives users full control over their data, ensuring privacy and security, especially for sensitive projects.
  • Access Controls: Wekan includes access control features, allowing administrators to manage user permissions effectively.

User Interface and User Experience Highlights:

  • Intuitive Design: Wekan’s user interface is designed to be intuitive, making it easy for new users to adapt quickly.
  • Responsive Design: The interface is responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices, including mobile and desktop.
  • Customization Options: The UI can be customized in terms of colors and layouts, allowing teams to create a more personalized and visually appealing workspace.

Kanban Methodology

  • Visual Workflow Management: Wekan employs a Kanban board where tasks are represented as cards on lists, corresponding to different stages of a project.
  • Streamlined Processes: It helps teams visualize work, limit work-in-progress, and improve flow and productivity.

Wekan’s rich array of features, from its flexible board, list, and card system to its strong focus on security and user-friendly interface, makes it an efficient and adaptable tool for managing a wide range of projects and workflows.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Wekan with Meetrix’s AMI

Video Guide
Installing Wekan with Meetrix’s AMI

Prerequisites and Preparation

  • Basic AWS Knowledge: Familiarity with AWS services, including EC2 instances and CloudFormation, is essential.
  • Active AWS Account: Ensure you have an AWS account with the necessary permissions.

Launching the AMI

Find and Select 'Wekan' AMI

Initial Setup & Configuration:

  • Click "Continue to Subscribe" and accept the terms.
  • Once subscribed, wait a few minutes, then proceed to "Configuration".
  • Select "CloudFormation Template" and choose your region.
  • Click "Continue to Launch", then select "Launch CloudFormation" and click "Launch".

Creating CloudFormation Stack

  • Create Stack
  • Ensure "Template is ready" is selected.
  • Click "Next".

Specify Stack Options:

  • Enter a unique "Stack name".
  • Provide "Admin Email" for SSL generation.
  • Enter "DeploymentName".
  • Provide "DomainName" for SSL setup (ensure the domain is hosted on Route53 for automatic SSL setup).
  • Choose an instance type (Recommended: t3.medium).
  • Select "keyName" and provide an S3 bucket name for MongoDB backups.
  • Configure SMTP settings for email functionalities.
  • Set network configurations and proceed to "Next".

Configure Stack Options:

  • Choose rollback options in case of failure.
  • Click "Next".

Post-Installation Steps

Update DNS

  • Copy "PublicIp" from the "Outputs" tab.
  • Update the DNS settings in AWS Route 53 with the copied "PublicIp".

Access Wekan

  • Access Wekan through "DashboardUrl" or "DashboardUrlIp".
  • If you encounter a "502 Bad Gateway error", wait and refresh.

Generate SSL Manually (if required):

  • Follow the DNS update steps.
  • Log in to the server and run the provided SSL generation script.

Shutting Down and Removing Wekan:

  • Manage the Wekan instance through the EC2 console.
  • Delete the CloudFormation stack to remove Wekan completely.

Technical Support

By following these steps, users can efficiently set up Wekan on their AWS environment, leveraging the robustness of Meetrix’s AMI and AWS’s cloud infrastructure. This guide ensures a smooth integration process for effective project management and team collaboration.

Wekan’s Mobile Accessibility and Remote Work Adaptation

Overview of Wekan’s Mobile Features

  • Responsive Design: Wekan's interface adapts seamlessly to mobile screens, providing a consistent user experience across devices.
  • Task Management on the Go: Users can view, create, and update tasks directly from their mobile devices, enabling real-time project management.
  • Notification System: Mobile alerts keep team members updated on task changes, deadlines, and comments, ensuring continuous communication.

Benefits of Using Wekan for On-the-Go Management and Remote Teams

  • Flexibility in Work Locations: Ideal for remote teams and digital nomads, allowing project tracking from anywhere.
  • Real-Time Updates: Facilitates immediate response to project changes, enhancing team agility and responsiveness.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Streamlines communication among distributed team members, fostering a collaborative work environment.

Security and Compliance

In-depth Look at Wekan’s Security Infrastructure

  • Data Encryption: Wekan employs robust encryption protocols to secure data both in transit and at rest.
  • Regular Security Audits: Ongoing security reviews and updates to safeguard against emerging cyber threats.
  • User Access Controls: Offers granular control over who can view and edit different boards and tasks, enhancing data security.

Compliance with Global Data Protection Regulations

  • GDPR Compliance: Adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation, ensuring user data protection and privacy within the EU.
  • HIPAA Readiness: For healthcare sectors, Wekan aligns with HIPAA standards to manage patient data securely.
  • International Data Laws: Adapts to various international data protection laws, making it suitable for global teams.

Future Developments and Updates in Wekan

Upcoming Features and Enhancements

  • AI-Driven Analytics: Integration of artificial intelligence for predictive analytics and project insights.
  • Enhanced Integration Capabilities: Expanding API access for seamless integration with other business tools.
  • User Interface Improvements: Ongoing enhancements for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Community-Driven Development and Contribution Opportunities

  • Open Source Contributions: Encouraging community contributions to drive innovation and feature development.
  • Regular Updates: Commitment to continuous improvement with regular updates based on user feedback and technological advancements.
  • Collaborative Roadmap Planning: Engaging with the user community for feature suggestions and roadmap planning.

Wekan’s commitment to mobile accessibility, security, and ongoing development underscores its adaptability to evolving work environments and its dedication to meeting the diverse needs of its user base.

Why Meetrix's Wekan AMI?

Meetrix's Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) offer a streamlined and efficient way to deploy and manage various software solutions on AWS. Here are the key reasons why choosing Meetrix's AMI can be beneficial:

Simplified Deployment

  • One-Click Installation: Meetrix's AMIs are pre-configured, allowing for easy and quick deployment of complex software solutions with just a single click, bypassing the need for manual setup and configuration.

Optimized Performance

  • Tailored Configuration: Each AMI is optimized for performance, ensuring that the software runs efficiently on AWS infrastructure. This optimization includes the right balance of computing, memory, and storage resources to match the application's demands.

Enhanced Security

  • Secure by Design: Meetrix's AMIs are built with security in mind, incorporating best practices and configurations to safeguard your applications against vulnerabilities and threats.

Cost Efficiency

  • Resource Optimization: With Meetrix's AMIs, you only use the AWS resources you need, helping to reduce operational costs. The AMIs are designed to be resource-efficient, avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Technical Support and Updates

  • Dedicated Support: Meetrix provides comprehensive support for their AMIs, offering assistance for any technical issues, and ensuring your applications run smoothly.
  • Regular Updates: Meetrix's AMIs are regularly updated to include the latest software versions and security patches, helping to minimize risks and improve functionality.

Customization and Flexibility

  • Customizable Solutions: While Meetrix's AMIs come pre-configured for immediate use, they also offer flexibility for further customization to meet specific business requirements or integrate with existing systems.

GDPR Compliance and Data Protection

  • Data Privacy: For businesses concerned with GDPR compliance and data privacy, Meetrix's self-hosted solutions offer control over data storage and processing, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Commercial Support for Enhanced Capabilities

  • Beyond the Deployment: Meetrix offers commercial support, providing access to expert advice, customization services, and advanced features, enhancing the software's capabilities and ensuring it aligns with your business goals.

Choosing Meetrix's AMI means benefiting from a hassle-free deployment process, optimized resource usage, and enhanced security measures, all supported by expert assistance and the flexibility to customize and scale as your business evolves.


In summary, Wekan, enhanced by Meetrix's expert service, stands out as an exemplary open-source project management tool, offering a seamless blend of functionality, flexibility, and security. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with robust features like customizable boards, lists, and cards, make it an invaluable asset for any team looking to streamline their project management processes. The added advantages of Meetrix's service, such as easy deployment through pre-configured AMIs and the reliability of AWS infrastructure, further solidify Wekan as a top choice for businesses of all sizes.

The future of project management is unmistakably moving towards tools that are not only efficient and secure but also adaptable to the changing dynamics of the modern workspace. Wekan, with its commitment to continuous development and community-driven enhancements, is well-positioned to play a significant role in this evolution. Its ability to cater to various sectors and adapt to mobile and remote work environments demonstrates its potential to grow and meet the emerging needs of a diverse user base.

As we look ahead, it’s clear that tools like Wekan will continue to shape the landscape of project management, driving innovation and facilitating better collaboration, efficiency, and success in projects across the globe. With Meetrix's backing, Wekan is not just a tool but a comprehensive solution for organizations seeking to harness the power of effective project management in the digital era.

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