How to Install Strapi on AWS via AMI

How to Set Up Strapi on AWS with Pre-Configured AMI
How to Install Strapi on AWS via AMI


Strapi is a versatile open-source headless CMS designed to streamline content management and API creation. Its flexibility allows developers to use any front-end technology while managing content seamlessly through a user-friendly interface. Deploying Strapi on AWS using a pre-configured AMI (Amazon Machine Image) enhances this experience by leveraging AWS's scalability, security, and reliability. The pre-configured AMI simplifies the deployment process, ensuring an efficient setup, reducing time and complexity, and allowing businesses to focus on building and managing their content effectively.

What is Strapi?

Strapi is a powerful open-source headless CMS that allows developers to build customizable APIs quickly and efficiently. It decouples the back-end content management from the front-end presentation, enabling developers to use any front-end framework or technology.

Key Features of Strapi:

  • API Customization: Easily create, manage, and customize APIs without extensive coding.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive admin panel for managing content.
  • Extensible: Support for plugins to extend functionality.
  • Security: Built-in security features to safeguard data.

Advantages of Using Strapi:

  • Flexibility: Works with any front-end framework.
  • Efficiency: Accelerates development with pre-built features and customization options.
  • Scalability: Easily scalable with cloud services like AWS.
  • Community Support: Active community and extensive documentation for assistance.

Why Choose Meetrix's Strapi AMI?

Simplified Deployment

  • Quick Setup: The environment is pre-configured, enabling a rapid deployment.
  • One-Click Deployment: Streamlined process for getting Strapi running swiftly.


  • Pay-As-You-Go: Only pay for the resources you use.
  • Savings: Significant cost reduction compared to traditional setups.

Optimized Performance

  • Tailored Configurations: Ensures efficient performance.
  • Seamless Handling: Manages computational tasks smoothly.

Advanced Security

  • Best Practices: Adheres to AWS security protocols.
  • Enhanced Protection: Includes firewalls, encryption, and access controls.

High Availability and Scalability

  • AWS Features: Leverages high availability capabilities.
  • Scalable: Easily adjusts to meet application demands.

Ease of Maintenance

  • Regular Updates: Ensures the latest features and security patches.
  • Automated Maintenance: Simplifies management and updates.

Comprehensive Support

  • Expert Assistance: Support for deployment, configuration, and troubleshooting.

Flexible and Customizable

  • Adjustable Settings: Customize configurations and install additional packages.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other AWS services.

Comparing Strapi vs Directus WordPress with Other Headless CMS Solutions








Open-source Headless CMS

Proprietary Headless CMS

Proprietary Headless CMS

Open-source CMS

Open-source Data Platform


Highly customizable with open-source

Customizable but with proprietary constraints

Limited customizability, closed source

Highly customizable with plugins and themes

Highly customizable with open-source


Free with community support

Free tier available, paid plans for advanced features

Paid plans with different tiers

Free with optional paid themes/plugins

Free with community support

Ease of Use

User-friendly admin interface

Complex, steep learning curve

Easy to use with intuitive UI

User-friendly, extensive plugins

User-friendly, data-focused interface


Extensive plugin ecosystem

Fewer plugins, focus on structured content

Limited plugins, focus on structured content

Extensive plugin ecosystem

Fewer plugins, data management focused


REST and GraphQL APIs


REST and GraphQL APIs

REST API, plugins for GraphQL

REST and GraphQL APIs


Self-hosted, AWS deployment via AMI

Managed service with hosting

Managed service with hosting

Self-hosted or managed WordPress hosting

Self-hosted, flexible deployment options

Community Support

Large, active community

Growing community, support via forums

Professional support and community

Large, active community

Growing community, active support


Comprehensive documentation

Extensive documentation and guides

Extensive documentation and tutorials

Extensive documentation and tutorials

Comprehensive documentation


Good performance with proper optimization

High performance, optimized for speed

High performance, managed infrastructure

Performance varies based on plugins and themes

Optimized for data management tasks

Each CMS has its unique strengths and features, making it suitable for different use cases and preferences. Strapi stands out for its open-source flexibility, extensive plugin ecosystem, and strong community support, making it an excellent choice for developers looking to build customizable and scalable content management solutions.

Full Developer Guide
Strapi - Developer Guide
Welcome to the Meetrix Strapi Developer Guide! Strapi is a flexible headless CMS ideal for building websites, mobile apps, eCommerce platforms, and APIs. It simplifies API creation by automatically generating them from your content models, eliminating the need for backend or database knowledge. This…


AWS Account: Ensure you have an active AWS account with the necessary permissions to create and manage resources.

Basic Knowledge: Familiarity with AWS services like EC2 and RDS, and basic networking concepts is required.

Required Tools:

  • AWS CLI: Command Line Interface for AWS.
  • SSH Client: To connect to your EC2 instances.
  • Strapi Installation Files: Ensure you have the necessary files for Strapi setup.

Setting Up AWS Environment

Creating an EC2 Instance:

  1. Instance Type: Choose an appropriate instance type for your workload (e.g., t3.small).
  2. Security Groups: Configure security groups to allow SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS traffic.
  3. Launch Instance: Launch the EC2 instance and connect via SSH using the key pair.

Setting Up RDS:

  1. Create RDS Instance: Select the database engine compatible with Strapi (e.g., PostgreSQL).
  2. Configuration: Set up the database, configure security groups, and ensure network accessibility

How to Install Strapi on AWS

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Quick Video Guide

Launching the Strapi AMI:

  1. Log in to AWS Management Console:
  • Access your AWS Management Console.

2. Search and Subscribe to the Strapi AMI:

3. Configure the AMI:

  • Select the CloudFormation template.

4. Launch the CloudFormation Stack:

  • Follow the prompts to launch the stack.

Creating the CloudFormation Stack:

  1. Prepare the Template:
  • Ensure the "Template is ready" radio button is selected.
  • Click "Next".

2. Specify Stack Options:

  • Enter a unique "Stack name".
  • Provide "Admin Email" for SSL generation.
  • Enter a name for "DeploymentName".
  • Provide a public domain name for "DomainName" (ensure it’s hosted on Route 53).

3. Choose Instance Type:

  • The recommended type is t3.small.

4. Configure Security Settings:

  • Select your preferred "keyName".
  • Set "SSHLocation" to your IP or "".
  • Use default CIDR blocks for "SubnetCidrBlock" and "VpcCidrBlock".

5. Review and Create the Stack:

  • Review all entered details.
  • Tick the acknowledgment box for IAM resources.
  • Click "Submit".

Updating DNS Settings:

  1. Copy the Public IP Address:
  • Find "PublicIp" in the "Outputs" tab of your stack.

2. Update DNS in Route 53:

  • Navigate to "Hosted Zones".
  • Edit the DNS record to point to the copied "PublicIp".
  • Save changes.

Accessing Strapi Dashboard:

  1. Use the "DashboardUrl" or "DashboardUrlIp":
  • Access these from the "Outputs" tab.

2. Troubleshoot Common Access Issues:

  • For example, if you encounter a "502 Bad Gateway" error, wait a few minutes and refresh the page.

Generating SSL Manually (If Needed):

  1. Copy the Public IP Address.
  2. Log in to the Server via SSH:
  • Use the command: ssh -i <your key name> ubuntu@<Public IP address>.
  1. Generate SSL Certificate:
  • Run the following command and follow the instructions:  sudo /root/

By following these steps, you can effectively deploy Strapi on AWS using the pre-configured AMI, ensuring a streamlined and efficient setup process.

Monitoring and Scaling

Using AWS CloudWatch:

  1. Set Up Monitoring:
  • EC2 and RDS Instances: Monitor performance metrics like CPU utilization, memory usage, and disk I/O.
  • Alarms: Set up alarms for critical metrics to get notifications about potential issues.

Scaling Strapi:

  1. Implement Auto Scaling:
  • EC2 Instances: Configure Auto Scaling to adjust the number of instances based on load.
  1. Optimize RDS Configurations:
  • Fine-tune RDS settings for better database performance and responsiveness.

Backup and Recovery

Regular Backups:

  1. Automated Backups:
  • RDS Instance: Set up automated backups for database integrity.
  1. EC2 Instance Backups:
  • Implement backup solutions for EC2 instance and its data.

Disaster Recovery Plan:

  1. Plan Development:
  • Create a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, including steps for quick restoration from backups.

By setting up robust monitoring, scaling, and backup solutions, you ensure that your Strapi deployment on AWS is resilient, scalable, and prepared for any potential issues.

Security Best Practices of Strapi

Securing EC2 Instance:

  • Security Patches: Regularly apply updates and patches.
  • Firewalls: Configure security groups to control inbound and outbound traffic.
  • Access Controls: Use IAM roles to restrict access.

Securing RDS:

  • Encryption: Enable encryption for data at rest and in transit.
  • Access Controls: Implement stringent access policies.

Strapi API Documentation


  • Retrieve Completions: Endpoint for generating text completions.
  • Retrieve Embeddings: Endpoint for generating embeddings.
  • Retrieve Chat Completions: Not optimized for this.
  • List Models: Endpoint for listing available models.

Testing the API:

  • Setup: Create a directory and necessary files.
  • Run Commands: Execute provided commands for testing.

For detailed API documentation:

Additional Points for Strapi Installation Guide

Advanced Troubleshooting

Common Issues and Fixes:

  • Connection Timeouts: Ensure security group rules are correctly set and proper port configurations are in place.
  • Firewall Restrictions: Verify firewall settings to allow necessary traffic.
  • SSL Errors: Ensure the domain is correctly set in Route 53 and SSL certificates are properly generated.

Logging and Monitoring

Detailed Logging: Configure detailed logging for troubleshooting and auditing purposes.

Custom Metrics: Create custom CloudWatch metrics tailored to specific application needs.

Compliance and Governance

GDPR Compliance: Ensure data handling complies with GDPR and other relevant regulations.

Audit Trails: Maintain detailed audit trails for all changes and accesses.

User Management

User Authentication:

  • Implement robust user authentication mechanisms.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

  • Assign permissions based on user roles to ensure secure access control


Deploying Strapi on AWS using a pre-configured AMI provides a robust, scalable, and cost-effective solution for managing your content. By following this comprehensive guide, you can efficiently set up, monitor, and maintain Strapi, ensuring optimal performance and security. Leverage Strapi's advanced features to streamline your content management processes and enhance productivity. For further support or inquiries, feel free to reach out to Meetrix Support. Enjoy the powerful capabilities of Strapi and elevate your web and mobile applications to the next level.

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